Wednesday 18 November 2009

Music, beer, rugby, what could possibly go wrong?

For many years Man struggled and sought in vain for the pleasure to surpass all pleasures - alchemists brewed their elixirs, druggists dug their drugs and writers described the debauched palaces in their own twisted minds, all in search of Big Screen Rugby, beer and top notch live music.

Well, look no further mankind, because Rugby, beer and music is here in our very own capital - the Diff they call Car - at The Globe in Roath.

Wales v Australia, on the biggest screen in
Roath (they say), kicks off at 5:30pm, then just while you're arguing over the finer points of the refereeing of the breakdown and whether or not there's still any room for imagination in modern rugby - I mean, would Phil Bennet or Barry John have prospered in these times of the great thud? Sorry, that's a debate for another time.

So, pretty much straight after the game you'll be assailed with the bluegrass styles of - Ginge and Cellboi, something like this in fact (although, hopefully they'll have turned off the audience repelling force field that seems to be in action here):

Following them will be the much-loved and rather hirsute Whistling Biscuits, who like Wales on their third appearance of the Autumn season, are on a run of gigs and - as they won't have been tackled into casualty by 17 stone southern hemispherics who can run the 100m in eight seconds - are really hitting their stride. Like this:

Right, that's it with the rygbi, I pushed it too far I know and for that I am truly sorry, but it's just that I think players are getting all the flare coached out of them in a welter of systems and units and moves, oh for a side-step, oh for a dummy, up here for thinking and all that.

Well, finally, the headliners are also much loved and a real and genuine Cardiff legend (that doesn't mean they're made up) Cakehole Presley - "You'll dance, you'll sing along, you'll drink too much, you'll love every second," say the Globe and they should know.

Here's Cakehole:

Entry after 7.30pm is £5 for just music, or free for ruby and music - do the math, as annoying people say, and I'm nothing if not that.


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